+1 714-886-9026

Welcome to our website and online store

After logging in please select a Health Concern from the menu or search by product name.

Apex Energetics formulas and Evergreen Herb formulas are professional products and require supervision from a qualified healthcare professional

Evergreen formulas are also available as loose granules; please call us to order.

Call us to order/reorder Apex formulas, (714) 886-9026

You must LOG IN or REGISTER on our site prior to purchasing restricted products. You will be asked to identify yourself as an existing patient of our Center.

If you are not currently under the care of a healthcare professional and wish to work with Dr. Reinhardt and CHS staff, please REGISTER and call or email us to set up a consultation. We are available to advise you on health concerns and specific formula selection at (714) 886-9026, or by visiting our Contact Us Page.

Select a Health Concern to see appropriate Formulas or search by product name.

Dr. Reinhardt and the CHS Professional Staff are available for consultations at our clinic in Long Beach, California and by teleconferencing using your smartphone, tablet or computer. Please call us at (714) 886-9026 to arrange a consultation.